
CyberKnights is a Talent Assessment, Development, and Retention system that supports long-life career management within the cybersecurity workforce.

CyberKnights is at the intersection of Talent, Industry, and Educational providers.

The CyberKnights platform leverages the Tasks, Knowledge, and Skills (TKSs) from the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Framework to help individuals understand the current level of TKSs within cybersecurity.

Individuals can leverage this to develop a career journey map, realize certification potential, match to employer needs, and match to appropriate educational providers. As an individual grows in experience their profile will grow making them more competitive in their career.

The foundation of CyberKnights, that drives unique, technological capabilities, is the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Framework.

What is NICE?

The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Framework, NIST Special Publication 800-181 is a national focused resource that categorizes and describes cybersecurity work. It allows job seekers, recruiters, and employers to view the knowledge and skills tied to specific work roles in the cybersecurity workforce sector. CyberKnights is designed to follow the standards and practice outlined by the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NCWF).

Competency Groups of NICE

A collection of core capabilities required to succeed in the cybersecurity workforce, measured by the pre-defined, standard, performance criteria of the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NCWF).

Categories of NICE

A grouping of 7 common cybersecurity categories, comprised of speciality areas that are broken down further into a multitude of work roles.